
Compression Therapy

about Compression Therapy

Normatec compression has become incredibly popular and is used by many professional athletes, sports teams, and Olympians around the world to recover quicker and perform at their best. While compression is popular among top athletes, it can benefit anyone who has joint pain, muscle soreness, or general tightness and discomfort. This system uses three distinct techniques to maximize your recovery: pulsing compression, gradients, and distal release. It’s designed to reduce pain and soreness, increase circulation, accelerate recovery, improve flexibility, and clear out lactic acid. You can choose to use the compression on your arms, legs or hips, wherever you need it the most, typically for 30 minute sessions. (Free unlimited use with a tier 2 membership).

What you will need:

  • Clean socks. If you are doing legs, you will need to take your shoes off.
  • Whatever form of entertainment you wish
Set Appointment


Decreased Muscle Fatigue and Soreness

Improved Blood Flow and Lymphatic Drainage

Helps With Joint Pain and Arthritis

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